Program Schedule

7:00 PM Live at the Bop Stop – Jazz artists recorded live at the Bop Stop in Cleveland, Ohio Weekly 1 hr.
9:00 PM Footlight Parade – The most memorable songs from the great Broadway and Hollywood musicals Weekly 1 hr.
11:30 AM Peace Talks Radio Weekly 1/2 hr.
12:00 PM WPHX Presents (Local Music) Weekly 1 hr.
9:00 PM Saturday Night 60s Party Weekly 3 hr.
11:00 AM Woodsongs Weekly 1 hr.
12:00 PM Listening to America with Clay Jenkinson Weekly 1 hr.
9:00 PM Reflections (Great Songs – Great Artists) Weekly 3 hr.
DAILY (Unless Otherwise Noted)
9:00 a.m. Climate Connections (Monday through Friday)
5:00 AM-5:00 PM Light Rock
3:30-3:45 PM Veterans Corner (Monday and Saturday) – Interesting interviews and important information for Veterans
5:00 PM-7:00 PM Joe Zuniga – Mexican Music
9:00 PM-Midnight Soft Rock
Midnight-5:00 AM Rock